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髙橋千惠子・桐原祐子(Chieko Takahashi and Yuko Kirihara)

国際宇宙会議 (IAC) 2020
Oct. 12-14, 2020

株式会社ASTRAX IMAGINEは、宇宙飛行士アカデミーとして、宇宙フライトアテンダント(SFA)の募集と充実した訓練を行っています。また、ASTRAX IMAGINEは、高度な訓練を受けたSFAを主に宇宙旅行会社の各フライトに派遣し、乗客へのサービスを提供している会社です。最高水準の乗客ケア、快適性、福祉を提供するためにSFAの育成を計画しており、フライト中の日本人乗客の安全・安心を確保する役割を担っています。私たちSFAは、お客様の幅広いニーズにお応えし、個々のお客様に合わせたサービスを提供していきます。
SFAは、乗客の皆様に非常に満足度の高い非日常的な宇宙旅行を体験していただくことを目指しています。ASTRAX IMAGINEがサポートするフライトでは、お客様のご要望にお応えし、ホスピタリティを提供するために、特別な訓練を受けたSFAを派遣する準備をしています。

ASTRAX IMAGINE, Inc. is a Space Flight Attendant Academy, providing Space Flight Attendants (SFA) recruitment and extensive training. In addition, ASTRAX IMAGINE is a company that mainly dispatches highly trained SFA to each space travel company's flight and provides services to passengers. We plan to train SFA in order to provide the highest standard of passenger care, comfort and welfare, and are responsible for ensuring that Japanese passengers are safe and secure during a flight. Our SFA shall meet the wide range of passengers needs and offer personalized services.
SFA are to create extremely satisfying and extraordinary space travel experiences for passengers on board. We are preparing to dispatch specially trained SFA who fulfill duties and responsibilities to satisfy customer requirements and deliver hospitality on a flight supported by ASTRAX IMAGINE.
In this thesis, we would introduce our corporate mission, vision and values, business plan, training methods, training course contents for zero-gravity flight, hospitality, facilitation skills and photography skills, and organizing space travel including family support and ancillary services before, during and after space flights.

Space Flight Attendant Academy, Recruitment and Extensive Training, Organizing Space Travel, Support Services for space flights, Corporate Philosophy, ASTRAX IMAGINE

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