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黒野亜矢子(Ayako Kurono)

国際宇宙会議(IAC) 2021
Oct. 25-29, 2021


There are many manga and anime that take place in or about space. It is not uncommon for the works one encounters as a child to influence the rest of one's life. How have Japanese manga and anime dealt with space so far? On the other hand, Japan is one of the developed countries where the gap between men and women is very large. Therefore, this paper investigates the differences in the treatment of space in manga and anime for boys and girls, as well as the gender-based differences in characters appearing in manga and anime, and examines and reports on the possibility that these differences influence the interest in space and the choice of future occupations. First, we created a list of manga and anime set in space in Japan. Using a questionnaire, we investigated the differences in the degree of interest in space and impressions of space-related occupations and anime for boys and girls by gender. We also used the information on the works to determine the ratio of male to female characters in major space anime. In many of the works, male characters were more active. We also showed that shonen manga had more space themes than shoujo manga. According to the questionnaire, many people felt that the anime/manga of their childhood had a great influence on their interest in space. The gender bias of the works may have influenced their interest in space and their future career choices.

Keywords: anime, comic, manga, gender gap, Japan

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