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Author: ASTRAX, Inc.
山崎大地(Taichi Yamazaki)

国際宇宙会議(IAC) 2021
Oct. 25-29, 2021

誰でも宇宙に行ける宇宙旅行の時代が到来しています。それに伴い、宇宙飛行や無重力飛行のニーズが高まり、お客様が機内で何をしたいかも多様化しています。 実際の飛行前に何度もミッションのリハーサルを行い、地上からのリアルタイム運用で乗客のミッションをサポートするミッションコントロールセンターや宇宙船シミュレーターの存在が重要になってきています。

The era of space travel, where anyone can go to space, is coming to life. As a result, the need for spaceflight and zero gravity flights are increasing, and what customers want to do in the cabin is also diversifying. It is important to have mission control centers and space craft simulators to rehearse their missions repeatedly before real flight, and support the passengers’ missions during real-time operations from ground. In this report, the roles of commercial space mission support control center and suborbital spacecraft simulator to support passengers and Mission Commander (Commercial Mission Support Astronaut) are introduced.

Keywords: space mission support control center, spacecraft education and training simulator, mission commander, ZeroG-naut, EZDOME, Airstream

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